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Terms and conditions


The site uses safety SSL. This security standard is currently the most widespread and the most reliable on the Internet. Transmitted information is encrypted and cannot be read during the transfer to the financial institution. You can, therefore, register your name, complete address and credit card number safely. With our protected footbridge PSIgate, all the transactions carried out on the site are totally secure. The PSIgate solution of payment is certified and makes it possible to carry out secure and in real-time transactions by credit card. This method of payment meets the high standards of industry in order to provide the highest level of safety. Safety comprises inter alia: the encoding and entirety of information to be transmitted. We make sure that the data processed by the PSIgate solution remains the same information which was transmitted to the origin. PSIgate operates with reliable protocols in order to respect an high level of integrity.


Club Bead values the trust of its visitors and strives to meet the highest ethical standards in order to protect customer personal information. In other words, we respect your privacy.

Therefore we do not rent, sell or exchange information about our visitors. Access to information about our site’s visitors is limited to our own employees. We only collect the information we need to conduct our business and serve our customers.

NO credit cards information is retained by Club Bead, its subsidiaries or its partners. Your transaction is thus completely secure.


Regarding site is optimized for a screen resolution of minimum 800 X 600 pixels (ideally 1024 X 768 pixels).
Moreover, the site is optimized for Internet Explorer 9 and + as well as Firefox, Chrome and Safari on the PC and MAC platforms.
The browsers that do not support (or support partially) Web standards will display information correctly, but the graphics may vary.

The shopping cart and the online shopping module require Javascript to be enabled in your Web browser in order to function properly. It is recommended to use the “Medium” security level offered in the management settings of the Web browser. This security level allows the execution of the Javascript code in the pages of the site and allows the download of the cookie required to purchase online.
The Acrobat plug-in (3 and above) is necessary for reading PDF documents you can download on the site.

General information

Club Bead operates the website Use of this site is subject to the conditions listed below, which can be modified at any time by Club Bead.

Limitation of responsibility site content is provided as a courtesy. Despite the care taken in its preparation, some errors may have occurred and Club Bead assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of the information.

Club Bead employees and their administrators can at no time be held responsible for any damage caused directly or indirectly by the use of the site.

Informational content use

The copyrights of the texts published on the site are the property of Club Bead or are subject to broadcast agreements via site. The commercialization of the information contained in the site is prohibited, using any medium, unless agreed to, in writing, by Club Bead.

Hypertext links to

Any reference, total or partial, to the site or to any of the documents it contains by hypertext links, frames (“framing”) or otherwise, must mention its source explicitly and apparently, especially by mentioning the full name “”.

Links to other sites

The site includes links to various websites operated by other companies. By clicking on these links, you leave Club Bead has no control over the operation of these sites and is not responsible for their contents or their update.


The use of trademarks and logos appearing on the site is subject to prior permission of the copyright holder.